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  • Former Dobbins SNCO commissions as lieutenant

    Congrats to 2nd Lt. Vicki Bloemker, who commissioned at Officer Training School, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. Before commissioning, Bloemker served as the Development and Training Flight chief at Dobbins, where she held the rank of master sergeant.

  • ‘This is it!’ former war refugee lives dream as Reserve Citizen Airman

    On August 6, 1992, the United States established diplomatic relations with Bosnia-Herzegovina following its independence from the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia; however, the country was in the midst of conflict.Tensions between Bosnia’s Muslims, Croats and Serbs escalated into armed

  • #mondaymotivation: June 29

    This week's motivation is from Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple Computers."If you are working on something you really care about, you don't have to be pushed. The vision pulls you."

  • Dobbins ARB transitions to HPCON Bravo

    DOBBINS AIR RESERVE BASE, Ga. -- Dobbins Air Reserve Base transitioned from Health Protection (HPCON) CHARLIE to HPCON BRAVO, Tuesday, June 9, 2020.With the change to HPCON Bravo, all DoD ID cardholders, including retirees and dependents are now granted access to the installation; however, Force

  • Dobbins nurses return home from COVID-19 frontlines

    For the last couple months, thousands of medical personnel from Air Force Reserve Command have been working alongside their military and civilian counterparts in the U.S. Army North-led Joint Forces Land Component Command (JFLCC), which has been assisting state and local governments across the

  • Dobbins nurses fight COVID-19 in New York City

    DOBBINS AIR RESERVE BASE, Ga. – Air Force Reserve nurses from the 94th Aeromedical Staging Squadron departed here last month after just a few hours’ notice to join the Department of Defense response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is being led by U.S. Northern Command.Capt. Arielle Watson, one of

  • Dobbins performs flyover to honor Georgia frontline healthcare workers

    Medical workers on the frontlines were greeted with a special event yesterday, as two C-130H3 Hercules from Dobbins flew over a number of local hospitals as a way of saying thanks for all the tireless work healthcare workers and first responders have put in to help keep Georgia safe.


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