Glorifying God, Serving Airmen, Pursuing Excellence
94 AW/HC
Chaplain’s Office
1430 First Street, Room 1406
COMM 678-655-CHAP (2427)
DSN 625-CHAP (2427)
In case of emergency outside of UTA, please contact the Command Post at 678-655-5106
Connect with us on SharePoint:
Go to the Wing SharePoint site, scroll over 94 AW, scroll down to Wing Staff, click on 94 AW Chaplain.
Our Mission
To train and supply readily-deployable Religious Support Teams that provide excellent, highly responsive, spiritual care to the members and families of the 94th Airlift Wing, and reliable, timely, and professional advice to commanders on matters of religious support or accommodation, and unit morale & welfare.
Core Capabilities
We provide spiritual care and ensure the constitutional right to the free exercise of religion for Airmen and their families, in our military work centers, at home and deployed.
Advise Leadership
Inform Air Force leaders on matters related to religious, spiritual, ethical, moral, and morale concerns and advocate for the religious and spiritual needs of Airmen and their families.
Spiritual Care
Meeting the diverse spiritual needs of Airmen and their families.
Programs & Services
UTA Sunday Protestant Services
0715 – Bldg 838, Heritage Hall
0800 – Bldg 733, 80 APS
UTA Sunday Catholic Mass
0900 – Bldg 600, National Guard Chapel (call our office before you go)
Other Faith Groups
Call the Chaplain’s Office for more information.
Religious Literature Library
Religious literature for a variety of faith groups.
100% Confidentiality counseling is available by appointment or walk in.
Religious Accommodation
We advise commanders on matters of religious accommodation.
Uniform Lending Closet (HRDC sponsored)
Missing a uniform item? We may have one you can borrow. Stop by to see if we have what you need. Uniform donations are also accepted.
Highlights From Previous Needs Assessment
Major Stress Areas
Physical Fitness (25%)
Workplace (23%)
Finances (20%)
Relationships (16%)
Grief/Loss (8%)
Top 10 Identified Religious Groups On Base
Protestant 1,314
No Religious Preference 325
Roman Catholic 185
Agnostic 16
Atheist 14
Jewish 11
Muslim 10
Latter Day Saints 8
Buddhist 7
Unitarian Universalist 4
The Spiritual Pillar
The importance of Spiritual Fitness to the American warfighter has been recognized since the Chaplain Corps was officially created on July 29, 1775 by the Continental Congress. Spirituality is an individual conviction and expression of beliefs that give a person meaning and value. Spirituality can be expressed religiously as well as non-religiously.
The Air Force is dedicated to creating an environment in which people can practice their spirituality without prejudice. Mutual respect is an essential part of Air Force culture.
Did you know?
A Strong Spiritual Pillar leads to:
More of this:
Marital happiness & stability
Longevity & physical health
Well-being & happiness
Self control & self esteem
Stronger coping skills
Community cohesion & social support
Higher recovery rates from addictions
Less of this:
Teen sexual activity
Alcohol & drug abuse
Suicide, suicidal ideation & depression
Spiritual Fitness Checklist
Increase knowledge in your faith
Exercise spiritual reflection/prayer
Find others with whom you can exercise your spiritual fitness
If other Airmen criticize your spirituality, don’t rush to judgment. Try to handle at the personal level and use it as an opportunity to discuss the importance of Spiritual Fitness and why it matters to you. Recognize that not everyone values the Spiritual Pillar and that, in the end, you may agree to disagree.*
*If unable to resolve & you feel your rights have been infringed upon, report the complaint to your chain of command, as appropriate.
Spiritual Self-Assessment
Please answer the following questions to yourself:
Who did you treat better – your spouse or your peers/subordinates?
Are you secretly pleased when someone else fails?
Are you secretly annoyed when someone else succeeds?
Are you prone to bitterness?
Do you have any habits that are harmful to the people you love?
Is there evidence that you are more spiritually fit this year than last?
How often do you participate in religious or spiritual activities?
Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Annually?
For weddings/funerals? Holidays only? Not at all?
Do you keep your word and do what you say you will do?
Would your family/friends agree with your answer?
Do you pull your fair share of the workload?
Do you have unmet spiritual or religious needs that we can help meet?
If you you’d like to discuss your answers, please contact the Chaplain’s Office at 678-655-CHAP (2427)