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  • 94th Airlift Wing deploys in support of Rally in the Pacific 2023

    Five C-130H3 Hercules aircraft departed Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Ga., Sept. 8, to participate in the 22nd Air Force led exercise Rally in the Pacific, in which Reserve Airmen will operate in and around the islands of Hawaii and Guam throughout September 2023.

  • CSAF visits Robins AFB, talks readiness with Reserve senior leaders

    During his visit to Robins AFB, Brown met with Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee, AFRC commander and chief of the Air Force Reserve; Brig. Gen. Matthew Burger, AFRC deputy commander; Chief Master Sgt. Timothy White, AFRC command chief and Scobee’s senior enlisted advisor, and several other senior leaders.

  • Hurricane Hunters fly first Pacific hurricane

    The Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunter aircrew flew into the first hurricane of the Pacific Ocean season to collect weather data to assist the Central Pacific Hurricane Center with their forecasts.

  • COVID-19: Important Information for Reserve Citizen Airmen

    In an effort to inform Reserve Citizen Airmen and their families with facts on COVID-19 effects, Air Force Reserve leaders encourage all to visit the Air Force’s COVID-19 web page for the latest on the virus and how it is effecting the service. The site contains the latest DoD and Air Force

  • AF Week in Photos

    This week's photos feature Airmen from around the globe involved in activities supporting expeditionary operations and defending America. This weekly feature showcases the men and women of the Air Force.


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