Building stronger leaders through NCO University

  • Published
  • By SrA Kadesha Willingham
  • 94 Airlift Wing

NCOU provides in-depth analysis of what it takes to be a leader in the military. Future applicants can expect to learn bullet writing skills for Enlisted Performance Reports, Airman Comprehensive Assessments and how to apply for awards. Students expand their knowledge of the enlisted tier, professional mutual development and career opportunities. The course takes place over six UTAs and requires mentees to complete four blocks of instruction with corresponding assignments, five electives and a reading assignment that culminates with a capstone presentation. This rigorous course requires both mentors and mentees to invest in the development of each other.

Senior Airman Marissa Morgan, 94th Aeromedical Staging Squadron health services journeyman, saw an opportunity for growth and development when she received an email about the course from Chief Master Sgt. Karie Contreras, 94th Maintenance Squadron superintendent.

Morgan got the perception of what it was like for her mentor as an Airman as well as a Senior Non-Commissioned Officer. This type of interaction improved her networking skills. The proudest moment came with her final presentation, which showcased her newfound knowledge
in award writing.

“It was difficult writing the award because I had to basically write bullets in a form that was neat and well put while also staying within a certain format to make the award look presentable,” said Morgan.

Her mentor, Senior Master Sgt. Sandra Crenshaw, provided feedback that was critical, but uplifting, encouraging her to submit a package for an award.

“The mentor/mentee relationship that we built throughout the NCOU course will extend far beyond its completion because it is important that we keep Airmen like Senior Airman Morgan,” said Crenshaw. “If we do, the future of the Air Force Reserve will be in good hands.”

NCOU is available to all Dobbins ARB Airmen, E-1 through E-6, assigned to 94th Airlift Wing. Junior enlisted Airmen and current NCOs can enroll in this program through the SharePoint under the 94th AW Command Chief tab. This is a partnership between the entire 94th AW, pairing mentors and mentees of various departments together.

“To accommodate our citizen Airmen to the greatest extent, we are offering the course virtually via Zoom, and in-person,” said Contreras. “We are fortunate to have a team of leaders representing several units within the wing that directly support this program; they serve as mentors, facilitators and aid in course development.”

The program’s points of contact are Chief Master Sgt. Karie Contreras, Chief Master Sgt. Terrance James and Senior Master Sgt. Tyler Kimbro. More information about NCOU can be found at: