Airman of the Month

  • Published
  • By 94th Airlift Wing Public Affairs
  • 94th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Name: Gage Daniel

Unit: 94th Airlift Wing - Wing Staff Agencies

Official Duty Title: Mass Communications Journeyman

Hometown: Joplin, Mo,

Time in service: 7+ years!

Time at Dobbins: since August 2021

Goals: Find a way to have a long-term ministry to spread the gospel and connect with people, showing Christ-like love 😊 (I also want to break a world record)

Hobbies: Lifting weights, hiking, music production (EDM), motorcycles, and many, many video games.

94th Airlift Wing priority portrayed and why: All of them in different ways...
   - Transparency: I aim to showcase this by showing who our Airmen are, and that is people, not numbers.
   - Credibility: I drive to share accurate and timely information, of all forms (photos, videos, & stories), on social media and the other outlets we use to share things about Dobbins.
   - Camaraderie: I make sure to show love to all members on base, smiling, laughing, and being merry all day long, to lift spirits and see everyone happy and getting along in this thing called life (on and outside of Dobbins).

Thought / quote / motto you live or lead by : Hebrews 12:4 “In your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.”

What's something other people wouldn't know about you: I can solve a Rubik’s cube faster than 99.99% of people!