Dobbins ARB transitions to HPCON-C (Charlie)
DOBBINS AIR RESERVE BASE, Ga. -- Dobbins Air Reserve Base has directed Health Protection Condition (HPCON) Charlie “Modified”, effective December 29, 2021. This is due to the significant increase in COVID-19 positive cases (per 100k people) in the local area.
HPCON Charlie “Modified” measures and updates include:
- - Access to the installation is limited to CAC and DD Form 2 (Retired) card holders. No special event or community organization events are authorized.
- - Limited utilization of the Gym, BX, Lodging and ODR for military members, federal employees, and military retirees.
- - Continue essential missions with required manning. Installation operations will be commensurate with federal, state and local guidelines; installation commanders will determine the installation’s essential missions and required manning in coordination with mission partners.
- - Telework is authorized; employees must contact their supervisor and chain of command for direction and approval.
- - Continue to maximize Microsoft Teams and VTC systems for meetings (limit in-person meetings and mass gatherings no more than 10 personnel)
- - Continue to wear mask while indoors, 6’ spacing, and adhere to strict hygiene (no hand-shaking, frequent hand-washing, sanitize common-use areas).
- - Sustain single point of access to work areas for facilities and establish contract tracing sign-in sheets with temperature checks
- - Leaders will continue to ensure personnel accountability of personnel who have tested positive on a daily basis (phone call, text, etc.).
- - Base customer services will remain open, but limited access and services will continue:
- -- Base Exchange: Open, in-person shoppers limited to fewer than normal at the same time
- -- Outdoor Recreation: Appointment only
- -- Info Tickets & Travel; Appointment only
- -- Gym: Open, limited hours and in-person guests limited to fewer than normal at the same time
- -- Lodging: Limited to mission essential guests. Closed to space available guests including retirees
- -- Consolidated Club: Open to call-in orders only
- -- Landing: Closed